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Ancient sculpture art

Western ancient period sculpture in very long period of time is mainly for the totem, magical and religious services. In America, Mexico Puboluo state Tehuakan Valley is the birthplace of the great Mesoamerican culture, then in the Mexico Bay area appeared in pre classical culture was the most advanced, namely the ORR Mike culture.

It is known as the predecessor of Mexico civilization. BC 300 years or so of Maya culture began to emerge and develop, it inherits the tradition in American culture, the development of large-scale sculptures such as temple, etc.. The upper half of the fourteenth Century, the Mexico native Aztecs ruled the valley of Mexico, established the kingdom of absolute monarchy, the formation of the Aztec culture. In sixteenth Century, the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire, then to the south of plunder and ruled the Inca culture birthplace -- Peru. In Africa culture, sculpture is one of the most important art form. Black African reliefs and sculpture in the round is mostly made of wood, but also have the stone, metal and ceramic. It is broadly divided into two categories: one category is the folk art, religion, magic service, also had their own life works; another kind is to serve the ruling class of the palace of fine arts. The two kind of sculpture are rich in content and form, decorative, rich


Force, strong visual impact. So far the black African sculpture is unique charm. The ancient Egyptian culture is a bright star of African culture. Ancient Egyptian sculpture is the art of sculpture and architecture model with perfect, historic monuments like grand, Bo Dahe very high artistic achievement. As some relief in order to keep the building plane, combined compression volume and form of painting lines, reached a new artistic effect.

Oceania and some African cultures are similar. For example, Oceania fine arts, sculpture is also for the religious and social needs of service. Oceania sculpture is most famous is the huge stone statues of Easter island.

European classical period of art is a kind of produce in abject poverty of the new art form, this art form to the subsequent development of Western art has brought the profound influence. Greek sculptor to make their works show vitality, they try hard and quickly learn the anatomy structure, and gradually replaced the earlier "geometric" style, form the most important human law, which put the center of gravity in the leg, the other leg remained relaxation. Thus the use of the dynamic visual illusions, exhibits an elastic and internal motion form external in the unconscious stone. It marks the true advent of sculpture of the classical period. At the same time, a very high artistic achievement also has been made in the classical period of relief. In addition, the ancient Rome in the arts by the Greek influence, but still maintained its own characteristics. Especially in the portrait sculpture, they pay more attention to the object, the pursuit of personalized, rather than an idealistic greek.
